Friday, July 4, 2008

A penny for your thoughts

"Here's a penny for your thoughts, a quarter for the call, and all of your momma's love." I could still hear my mom singing the song while standing over the stove watching the chocolate chip cookies as they bake and eager for them to be ready so that her children could relish in their ooey-gooey yumminess. She still sings it from time to time and it, in my opinion, represents everything she is to me as a mother. Always willing to listen, stubbornly wanting to lend a hand, and full of love. Yesterday as I sat in my new little studio space, that I share with the spare bedroom, this bit of song played over and over in my mind. So I decided to stamp it out with a little creating! Ha! Not a fan of country music, but I do have to say that I am a fan of my mom. Mama's girl you say? A little.

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